Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eating fish in a contaminated world

Eating fish has health benefits and in the U.S. we do not eat enough of it. But, how can you blame us, it turns out we have to worry about contaminants in our fish? So, what are our options...not eating fish should not be one of them. Fish are a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals as well as the omega-3's or DHA we have all read about (see our last post). Well, help is on its way, organizations are now testing fish and offering safe fish options. With this in mind, I want to share a helpful and informative website to help you find safe fish, http://www.kidsafeseafood.org/home.php. Although the website says, "kid safe," we can all benefit from their testing and information. According the the website, when choosing salmon look for chum, coho or pink and avoid sock-eye, king (chinook) and Atlantic salmon.

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