Friday, June 6, 2008

Update on "finding the middle ground" dieter

I talked to the patient yesterday who was having trouble finding how to live in the middle ground -- he tends to only live in extremes. I'm very happy to say that we are successfully moving to the middle, even if by baby steps! At our first meeting he was skipping eating all day long, "saving up his calories" just to binge at night and thus make up for every last calorie -- laying down to go to bed on all of that food wreaks havoc on the body as well. Now he's eating something small every few hours and he said he feels so much better. His choices are getting a little bit better too. He's having cereal in the morning with yogurt and a banana instead of his old habit of a bagel or white roll with butter at the deli. And at dinner his portions have been significantly reduced. This week he's working on trying to include more than one food group at each eating occasion. For example, his chosen morning snack has been 3 cheese sticks but it would be better to have one cheese stick and a handful of almonds or an apple. Variety and including all food groups ensures a distribution of healthful nutrients rather than just loading up on certain ones. Next week we're going to the grocery store so I can show him good choices aisle by aisle. I'll let you know the shopping list we come up with!

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