Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not eating for Two

Pregnancy for many means, "yippee, I can eat what I want." For the sake of our waistlines, we need to change this thinking. Did you know that many women keep as much as 11 pounds from each pregnancy and some even more? I teach a prenatal nutrition class and I love the expressions I get when I tell everyone that in the first trimester you do not need any extra calories, you just need to make sure and eat really, really healthy** and take your prenatal vitamins. I also enjoy the looks of disbelief when I let the women know that in the second trimester they only need about 300-340 more calories. This is equivalent to about a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with 1/2 cup skim milk and an ounce of almonds. In the last trimester, the number jumps to an extra 450 calories total -- so, add a piece of whole wheat toast and jelly to your bowl of cereal and almonds and you are now at 450 calories. By making sure you eat healthy** during your pregnancy, you can set yourself up for easier weight loss after you have your bundle of joy.
**healthy defined -- to learn more about how many servings of foods from each food group you should be eating during your pregnancy, go to and enter your information.

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