Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coffee is good for you?

You may have heard reports that coffee is the next miracle food. From decreasing the risk of developing diabetes to decreasing the risk of Parkinsons and even preventing cavities -- there is a new-found love of coffee. Starbucks, get ready! Here is a list of what drinking coffee might do for you --
decrease diabetes risk
decrease Parkinson's risk
cure your headache
improve your mood
help your workouts
make you more alert
help you on tests
decrease your cavities
(click here for more on the health benefits of coffee)
Coffee is a plant based food and thus contains antioxidants and other nutrients as well as caffeine that may provide health benefits. But before you go ahead and up your java intake or start the java habit, you need to be aware of the down-sides and how coffee may affect you as an individual. There are studies that show that coffee may increase your cholesterol levels. Also, a new study out of Duke University Medical school found that caffeine increased blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes. Caffeine has also been shown to increase nervousness, anxiety and sleeplessness. So, bottom line -- if you currently drink coffee and do not experience any of the negative effects listed, then you are probably okay. For those of you who do not personally know "Joe"; drink it early in the day and take it slow to make sure you and "Joe" can be friends. Coffee is not necessarily for everyone -- if you have made it this far without coffee -- you are probably okay without it. You can get the health benefits listed above (and more) by eating your fruit (3), vegetables (3) and legumes (1/2 cup) daily.

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