Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Are you really hungry?

If it is not your typical meal time or if it is after dinner and you should not be hungry but find yourself wanting food, then you are probably not truly hungry. For most, we are no longer in tune with our hunger signals. We eat for all kinds of reasons beyond true physiological hunger. So, let's start today to identify if we are truly hungry. Start by asking yourself the following questions --
  • Am I thirsty? -- If so, have a glass of water
  • Tired? -- this can lead to craving carbs, instead take a nap or take an energizing walk
  • Bored? -- find something to do other than eating
  • When was the last time I ate – was it less than 3 hours ago? -- If not, you should not be hungry
  • Can I wait 15 minutes before I eat again? Until the next meal? -- If so, leave the kitchen or put down the treat you picked up from the check out line and distract yourself until your next meal.
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, what is my hunger? One represents not very hungry while 10 represents extremely hungry. If you rate yourself an 8, 9 or 10, it’s time to eat.
You may be surprised at how many "false" hunger signals we experience throughout the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I'm not hungry, but I like to snack. Trying to drop 15 lbs and I have trouble drink enough water.