Thursday, February 28, 2008

The fat you need

If you're pregnant, nursing or had a baby in the last several years, hopefully your doctor recommended that you eat foods with DHA, and take a DHA supplement or a prenatal vitamin with DHA in it. DHA is one of those healthy omega-3 fats that has been shown to help with developing eye and brain function in babies - in the womb and out. It's passed along from the mom to baby in utero and in breastmilk. Many infant formulas are also fortified with the nutrient.
After sampling many products on the market, we've found a couple of decent-tasting ones that make it easier to choke down all the extra DHA you need during these critical times. Bellybar Chews are chocolate and citrus flavored supplements - similar in texture and taste to Viactiv - that have 50 mg of DHA in each (they also have calcium and vitamin D, which women tend to fall short on as well). While you need 200-300 mg of DHA each day, popping a couple here and there while including other foods with DHA (Eggland's Best fortified eggs have 100 mg each) may be more enjoyable than swallowing a DHA horse pill. Another good choice that gives you all of your DHA in one shot is Coromega liquid supplements. They taste good straight or you can mix one into your OJ.

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