Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Healthy snacking idea for you and the kids

I love my pediatrician! He was mine as a child and now he takes care of my children. The other day we were discussing healthy snacking for the kids and he had a great idea -- put several healthy snacks in a plastic container with each child's name on it and after school let them go and choose their snack from their container. I love it! My kids are always trying to be more independent (they are 7 and 4), so this is right up their alley. Now, I have taken this a step further -- in an effort to increase my (and my husband's) fruit and nut consumption, we now also have a container in the fridge. Believe it or not, this little trick has increased my fruit consumption by two fruits a day. By the way, here is what is currently in our containers - it changes each week.
Baggies of pistachios, almonds with semi-sweet chocolate chips, apple slices, strawberries, cherries, and whole wheat crackers with all natural peanut butter.
Next week I will probably include, pretzels with hummus, banana slices with choco syrup, high fiber cereal trail mix (I just mix all bran with low fat granola, honey roasted sunflower seeds and dried cranberries or raisins), watermelon slices and (for the kids) whole wheat crackers with cheese slices.
Try it and let me know how it goes.

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