Monday, July 21, 2008

Drink Your Tea

A new study out of Athens Greece shows that drinking 3-4 cups of green tea a day will keep your vascular system healthy. This is extremely important as your vessels impact almost all aspects of your health. Now, I have heard it before -- you do not like green tea. Fortunately, there are flavored green teas that are great for brewing. (Or if you prefer it cold, brew it then add some ice and cool it down). I personally do not like regular green tea, but have found one that I have been able to get used to and now enjoy -- Republic of China Pomegranate Green Tea. I had to try several before I found one that I liked. By the way, there are also studies that show green tea to have a weight loss benefit -- although, the jury is still out on this one. So, schedule in some tea breaks throughout the day, and better yet, add a piece of fruit or some nuts to your tea break.

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