Thursday, August 7, 2008

New moms are drained

A new report confirms what all new moms already know -- having a newborn is demanding and stressful. In addition to trouble sleeping (3 AM feedings, anyone?), the report found that 40% of the women had trouble taking off the baby fat and 24% experienced chronic backaches. I'm guessing they're related - it can be challenging to exercise if your back is injured. They also found that a large percentage of the women were back at work by 12 weeks postpartum, which adds another challenge.

So, to all you new moms out there it's important to cut yourself a little slack. Just like you wouldn't expect your newborn to start crawling or walking immediately after entering this new world, you shouldn't expect that you'll immediately be able to spring right back into your old body or prior energy level. Take baby steps. Set small, realistic goals for yourself. For this week, try this goal: each day eat 1 more fruit and 1 more vegetable than you currently do. Go for a walk this weekend with the baby in the stroller.

And know this, there is a light at the end of tunnel - life does get easier. I always say that as a new mom, it's all about finding your groove -- getting used to the new norm. And by making small healthy lifestyle changes along the way, before you know it, you'll be movin and groovin right back into your skinny jeans!

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