Monday, April 30, 2007

Post-partum depression linked to nutrition

A researcher at the University of Calgary is studying a possible link between nutrition and postpartum depression. Having analyzed the diets of pregnant and postpartum women over the years, I completely agree that there must be a link. Of the women I have counseled, several have nutrient deficiencies and then they get pregnant and these deficiencies only get worse based on how the women feel during their pregnancy. In 2005 the USDA reported that many Americans do not get enough vitamin E, calcium, potassium and fiber. Additionally, women of childbearing age may not be getting enough iron in their diets. All together, these deficiencies can cause all kinds of problems including affecting energy and mental well being. To help you get enough of these nutrients:
-- eat a handful of raw nuts a day,
-- include beans in one of your meals
-- and eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day (actually count how many you ate at the end of the day before dinner and make up for the number you are missing at dinner and afterwards). As for getting enough calcium, eat some yogurt -- you will not only benefit from the nutrients but bonus, you will get the healthy bacteria that is good for your digestive system. I personally look for the yogurt that does not have any high fructose corn syrup in the ingredient deck -- the jury is still out on how it affects the storage of fat in your body.

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