Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The real world of post-baby weight loss

They say that once you become a mom, your life will never be the same. Maybe they should add in "your body will never be the same." But isn't that what we're all after, to get back to our pre-baby bodies? As a dietitian and a mom to two young boys, I know the challenges of losing the baby fat both first hand and second hand. All of my friends with children share the same issues with taking off the weight and keeping it off - no time to cook/shop/eat healthy, too much junk food around, too many parties to go to, being the human garbage disposal, and on and on. By talking to all the moms I know about this, I've managed to gather tips and tidbits that really work! And as a dietitian I've seen these tips in practice actually help women lose weight. These aren't the annoying not-really-doable kind, these are the ones that fit into the realities of a mom's life. For example, one of my friends takes any food brought to her playgroup (usually cookies or cupcakes) and either makes her husband take it to work with him or else she brings it to a neighbors house. Let others get fat!
Monica, the other dietitian who will write in this blog, and I started this in the hopes to get feedback from those of you out there that have golden nuggets to share, things that have worked for you in taking off and keeping off the baby fat.
Getting back to your pre-baby weight or even taking off a few more than that (if necessary) can be done by using small steps. That's how Monica and I did it. Now, as far as the pre-baby body - you know, the one where certain parts of you were perky - that may be gone forever.

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